You have now written your manuscript and gone through the editing and proofing process. You are ready for publishing. If you are a relatively new author, it may be difficult to enlist the services of a major publisher. That is okay. Our goal as a publishing house is to get your manuscript into the hands of the reader by materializing it and giving it a form as a book—your book.
FLuidity can help you own your manuscript from start to finish. We have an existing partnership with a major book distributor who will format your book and ready it to distribute to bookstores, retailers, and online stores. Book distributors play a significant role in ensuring your book is placed on bookshelves everywhere books are sold. However, they are selective about the titles and genres of books they will add to their catalogs, which lists all the titles the distributor is representing. New catalogs are typically produced annually listing recent titles in the front and aging titles near the back. Bookstores and other retailers can use this catalog to help them determine which titles fit their model and are in most demand. Once retailers decide which books to carry, they will place their orders.
When a book is ordered, the book distributor will print the book and ship it to the customer or to the store where the order may have been placed. Your book can be printed or in digital form as an e-book, depending on the retailer.